_Chh - Records____ |
109 |
dismissd, and are to be recommended to |
the Chh in ye North part of the Town. |
Nov. 20. The Lords Supper administred.__ |
Sacrt |
Decr 18. The Chh was stoppd to hear a |
Letter from the Second Chh in Shrewsbury |
Letter from |
desiring our Assistce in Council, on acct |
2d Chh in |
of various Difficulitys which ye Pastor |
Shrewsbury |
and Chh labour under; in particular wth |
not complyd |
regard to his Subsistence among ym NB |
with |
he had heretofore addressd the Quarter Sessions |
accg to Law; and he exhibited a Complaint to |
ye Chh Nov. 8 last ^ in wc he has these words |
^ wc being |
“That ye past Conduct and present State of ys |
annexd to |
Parish are Such as afford me no Prospect of |
ye Letter |
Peace and Comfort in ye Ministry among you” |
was read; |
But when it was put to Vote, whether ys Chh |
wd Comply wth their Request, there was not a |
Major part that lifted up their Hands. So yt |
the Chh were dismiss’d as usual. _______ |
===== |
Jan. 1. 1758. Thankfull, of Stephen Maynd |
1758. |
& Jonn of Jonn & Abigl Rolf, were bapt. |
NB Jonn Rolf had ownd ye Covt in Middleton, |
& his Wife is a member of ye Chh in Concord. |
___ 8. Timothy, of Reuben & Dorthy Maynd bapt. |
NB. They had ownd ye Covt in Shrewsbury 1. Chh. |
Feb. 12. Hannah, of Ebenezer and |
Hannah Parkman, was baptiz’d. |
Also Anna Green, heretofore Bradish |
was dismissd & ^ to be recommended to ye Chh in |
Hardwick. |
____ 19. Mehitabel, of Moses & Mehita- |
bel Brigham, baptiz’d. |
March 5. The Chh was Stayd & Robt Cooks |
Paper of acknowledgmt was read, wth his |
Addition ^; & after Some Debating upon |
^ to it. |
the |