__Chh- Records. |
143 |
part, being seriously considerd, to admitt her |
to Communion with us.” |
This was proposd to ye Chh, & voted in |
the affirmative, by a great majority. |
And it was Voted that ye Pastor, & ye Dea- |
cons, Bond & Wood, carry this Vote of ye Chh |
to Mrs A. and read it to her ___ but not give |
a Copy of it. ___ |
====== Then was read a Letter from ye 2d Chh |
in Shrewsbury, dated Decr 29. 1767, requestg |
our Assistce in Council on Jan last Tuesday of Janry |
and voted Complyance ____ |
Voted two Delegates ___ |
Voted Deacon Bond to be one. |
Voted Deacon Wood to be ye other. |
Exhortation followd that we be in Peace & |
Harmony. ___ The Meeting concluded wth |
Prayr & the Blessing. ___ |
Jan. 24. Eli, of Francis & LydiaPierce, baptizd |
NB The Parents had ownd ye Covt at Hopkinton, |
& were recommended by Rev. Mr Barrett. |
Feb. 7. Fannira, of Thoms & Martha Temple, |
was baptizd by Rev. Mr Sumner. |
__ 14. Eli & Elizth of Eli & Elizth Whitny, baptizd. |
Feb. 21. Sarah, of Solomon & Han. Baker, and |
William Pitt, of John & Martha Wood, baptizd. |
March 20. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
May 1. Edmund & Ruth Chamberlain |
were admitted into Chh Fellowship: |
The Lords Supper was administred: & |
Sacrt |
Moses, of Sam. & Eliz. Fay, baptizd. |
15. William, of Jonas & Persis Brigham, bapt. |
22. Sarah, of George & Eunice Andrews, |
Persis, of Saml & Abigail Forbes, |
Mary, of Edmund & Ruth Chamberlain, |
were baptizd. |
June 12. The Lords Supper was admind |
Sacrt |
p.m. Contribn for Mr Joseph Sherman of Shrews- |
bury, |