136 |
____Chh - Records. |
Prayer & the Blessing concluded the |
Meeting. |
Sacrt |
Nov. 30. The Lds Supper admind |
Decr 14. Saml of Joseph & Sarah, Grout, bapt. |
_____ 28. Phebe, of James & Eliz. Miller |
& Nehemiah, of Ebr & Hannah Miller |
bapt. |
^ Brn of ye |
The ^ Chh were stopd, and a Letter was |
communicated to them from ye Chh & In- |
Letter concg |
habitants of Walpole in New-Hamp. |
ye Ordn of |
shire bearing Date Nov. 29. 1766: re- |
Mr Fessenden |
questing Assistce in ye Ordn of Mr Thos |
Fessenden, on Jan. 7, next. But wn it was |
put to Vote whether ye Chh wd comply wth yeir |
Request? It passd in ye Negative __ |
by Reason of ye grt Distance & Rigor of ye |
Season. |
Our Brother Moses Twitchel hav. |
ing removed to ye Eastward, to a place |
called New Boston, & desiring yt he |
& his Wife may be dismissd to ye Chh |
in New Gloucester, of wc Rev. Mr Saml |
Foxcroft is Pastor, being near to ym |
his Request was voted in ye Affirm. |
1767 |
Jan. 11. Constantine, of Constantine |
& Jemima Hardy, was baptized. |
Feb. 22. Mary, of Jonn & Hannah Grout, bapt. |
> March 15. Susanna Parkman was ad- |
mitted into full Communion wth the Chh. |
Sacrt |
The Lords Supper was administred. & |
William, of James & Mary Bowman, bapt. |
29. James-Swain, of Hanh & Abigl Parker, bapt. |
Apr. 23. After ye LectƐ ye Chh was stopd |
& after prayr was read a paper wc con- |
taind an agreemt betw. Timothy Warrin |
& his wife & the Pastor. and thereto ye |
____________________________________________________ |
> March 1. Preserved, Son of Artemas & |
Mary Bruce was baptizd by Rev. Martyn |
Pastor |