_Chh - Records.______


    Witnesses having been read before, Mr Adams

    producd his; and they having been given upon

    Oath (except

    Cooks wc was deliverd in pre-

    sence of two persons) they were read __ also

    Mr Parkman died Dec 9. 1782

    Mrs Adams’s Petition to ye Govr & Council,

    was read. Two living Evidences calld by D.

    Adams, viz Deacon Phips, & Mr Timothy

    were calld & heard.

    Voted yt there shd be a Commtee chosen

    out of ye Chh to hear, consider & advise on

    these Differences _____

    Voted yt ye number be Five _____

    ___ That Brr Elijah Brigham be One __

    ___ That Deacon Hawes be anor

    ___ That Brr Jos. Harrington anothr

    ___  ___  Brr Isaac Davis, another.

    _____ & Brr Eli Whitney be anor

    that this commtee sit at this place, this Day

    Fortnight, at 9 ’o clock a.m. and when yy

    shall be ready make Report to ye Chh, whom

    the Pastor will call togr to hear & determine.

    The above commtee to have power to call for

    Persons, Papers &c. _______

    The meeting concluded wth Prayr & ye Blessg

    Oct. 20. The Lords Supper was administred.


    Sarah, of Jonn & Sarah Forbes, was bapt. ___

    27. Mary of Paul & Hannah Biglow bapt.

    Decr 22d John of Joseph & Esther ^Belknap was bapt


    by David Hall DD

    Octo – 27 – 1782 __ Last entry by

    Mr Parkman

    Whole no. of Baptisms to this

    date, or during Mr. Parkman’s

    Ministry is 1346.