____Records.______ |
47. |
& the same Day Isaac, of James & Sarah Miller |
& |
John, of Hezek. & Rachel Pratt bapt. |
Nov. 27. Abigail, of Jedidiah & Abig. How bapt. |
Dec: 4. Dorothy, of Josiah & Hassadiah Bouker bapt. |
____ 11. Rebecca of Thomas & Sarah Bruce, bapt. |
P. Rev. Mr Prentice of Grafton. |
Jan. 1. Mary, of Isaac junr & Jemima Tomlin, bapt. |
1738. |
____15. Hephziba, of Eliezar & Persis Rice, bapt. |
___ 22. Mary Mainard, wife of James |
Mainard, being dismiss’d from |
Marlborough Chh was admitted into ye |
Chh. |
And at ye Same time |
Hannah Parkman, ye Wife |
of Ebenezer Parkman, was admitted |
also. _____ |
Feb. 26. Aaron, of Aaron & Hephz. Hardy, bapt. |
March. 2. After Lecture ye Chh was stopd to |
receive ye Ansr of Brr Josiah Newton, respecting ye |
Chh Vote ^ to be a Deacon of this Chh. And his |
^ of him |
Ansr was in the Negative. Upon wc it was |
recommended yt ye Chh would take Thôt |
of another Choice. Again, ye Chh recd |
ye Return of ye Commtee wc had been Sent to Brr |
Saml Fay ___ but their Return was not unanimous |
:ly drawn up; ___ And whilst ye Chh was debating, it |
was Suggested by one & another yt it wd be very |
adviseable to Send to Mr Fay again, yre being still |
some |