50. |
__Church____ |
^ being askd |
The latter of them ^ returnd ansr yt the |
whether he wd |
Matter, not being New to him, ^ and having repre= |
hav ye Time to sented ^ heretofore to ye Chh his insufficiency, he must now, upon |
Consider of it, |
their Seeing meet to choose him again, earnestly |
^ for the Case |
entreat yt they wd have compassion on him, & pray |
was not as if |
fervently for him; both they yt had voted for him |
he had never |
and likewise they that had not; because otherwise |
been chosen |
they would not Shew yt yy acquiescd and fell in wth wt |
before, |
ye Hand of G. had done. ____ no spech or to this purpose. ___ |
__ It was then askd whether anyone had any Thing |
material to object either against the proceedings |
of ye Chh at this Time, or agst the persons wom ye Chh |
had elected to be their Deacons ___ None being mani |
:fested we proceeded to the other Affair Scil: |
^ The Commtee ap |
respecting Mr Saml Fay __ ^ but For Several Reasons |
:pointed to |
offered ^ ye matter was further wav’d & deferrd and or |
treat wth him |
Commtee Requested to improve ye first oppty yt in |
were desird |
Providce Should be presented, to treat wth him ___ |
to speak, & Mr |
As ye Chh meeting was opend wth prayr so it was |
Jonn Whipple |
concluded wth it, and the Blessing _________ |
ansd yt there |
July 9. Daniel Stone & his wife, having |
had been no |
owned ye Covt at Hopkinston, askd for Privilege |
oppty to Con= |
among us; and according to yeir Request |
:fer wth him |
Benjamin, their son was baptized. |
by means of |
The Same Day Mary Bruce junr (Daûter |
his absence at |
of Abijah and Mary Bruce) was admitted |
New Medfield. |
into ye Chh. |
Chh meeting |
13. The Chh was detaind after Lecture to receive |
to receive |
the Ansr of Brr Jonn Forbush to ye Chh who had Elected |
Brr Forbush’s |
him to be a Deacon. Among other Things delivd it was |
Ansr |
percievd yt by being Absent at ye Time of ye Choice he |
was not able so well to Judge of ye minds of ye Brethren |
and so of ye Call wc he had to ye office; and yrfore for |
his Satisfaction, it was desird yt if the Chh abode by |
their Choice, and were willing to confirm it of Brr For |
:bush &c they would manifest it, wc they did all but one; |
and he was desir’d to Speak if he had ought to object |
but he did not; but acquiescd in wt was done. |
Upon this Brr Forbush accepted of ye Choice. |
The Affair of Mr Saml Fay was Likewise mentioned |
to |