1783 |
Church Records ___ |
199 |
Octr 20th the Chh met according to Appoint- |
-ment. The Meeting was Opened by Prayr |
by Revd Mr Sumner. The Business Various- |
1 Voted to pass ovr the first Article viz whetr |
any future Minister shall have the |
Power of Negative ____ |
2 Voted that those persons now in |
Covenant and not as yet come to |
full communion be called on and |
treated with for their neglect of Duty |
3- And that the Chh be resolved into |
a committee for that purpose ____ |
25 present |
14 carry the Vote. so declared ____ |
4 Voted to discontinue the Mode of this |
Chh in Admitting Persons ^ to ye Priviledge |
of Dedicating their Children in |
Baptism. that are not in full com- |
-munion. or do not come to the other Ordinance viz ye Supper |