Gale, Brother Seth Morse, and Brother Jonath

    an Grout Junr be the Delegates. _____           275

    Augst 10 The Church tarried after Lecture and Voted

    1 To give us a Note a which the Church holds

    against Benjamin Tainter, which Note he gave

    on account of a Lecacy left by his Father

    Deacon Tainter to the Church.  _______

    2 Voted that the select Men be requested

    desird to request Messrs Stephen Belknap

    Samuel Fisher, Barnum Blake, Asaph

    Warren and John Warren to take the lead

    in the singng till further provision is made

    3 Voted that the select Men be requested to

    insert an Article in the warrant for thur.

    next Town meeting to see if the Town will

    give any encouragement to singing by

    hiring a Master.  ______


    4 Voted to adjourn the meeting to our

    next Lecture to consider the expediency

    of giving us the practice of making rel

    ations in this Church and substituting

    something in lieu thereof.  _________

    Octber 4 The Church tarried after the blessing to hear

    a Letter from the Church in Hopkenton

    requesting assestance in the ordination

    of Mr Nathanail Howe their Pastor elect

    1 Voted compliance

    2 Voted to send two Delegates ____

    3 Voted that Deacon Hawes and Brother

    Brick Parkman be the Delegates ___

    6 The Church tarried after Lecture agree

    ably to assignment but considering that

    there was not not a Majority of the Church

    present they chose not to act any thing

    about altering the method of admitting

    Church members by their making Rela

    tions. ______ And Voted

    1 To adjourn the meeting to the next Lecture

    2 Voted that the time of our intermission on

    communion days in future be always two

    hours and that the Pastor be requested to