Gale, Brother Seth Morse, and Brother Jonath |
an Grout Junr be the Delegates. _____ 275 |
Augst 10 The Church tarried after Lecture and Voted |
1 To give us a Note a which the Church holds |
against Benjamin Tainter, which Note he gave |
on account of a Lecacy left by his Father |
Deacon Tainter to the Church. _______ |
2 Voted that the select Men be requested |
desird to request Messrs Stephen Belknap |
Samuel Fisher, Barnum Blake, Asaph |
Warren and John Warren to take the lead |
in the singng till further provision is made |
3 Voted that the select Men be requested to |
insert an Article in the warrant for thur. |
next Town meeting to see if the Town will |
give any encouragement to singing by |
hiring a Master. ______ |
_______ |
4 Voted to adjourn the meeting to our |
next Lecture to consider the expediency |
of giving us the practice of making rel |
ations in this Church and substituting |
something in lieu thereof. _________ |
Octber 4 The Church tarried after the blessing to hear |
a Letter from the Church in Hopkenton |
requesting assestance in the ordination |
of Mr Nathanail Howe their Pastor elect |
1 Voted compliance |
2 Voted to send two Delegates ____ |
3 Voted that Deacon Hawes and Brother |
Brick Parkman be the Delegates ___ |
6 The Church tarried after Lecture agree |
ably to assignment but considering that |
there was not not a Majority of the Church |
present they chose not to act any thing |
about altering the method of admitting |
Church members by their making Rela |
tions. ______ And Voted |
1 To adjourn the meeting to the next Lecture |
2 Voted that the time of our intermission on |
communion days in future be always two |
hours and that the Pastor be requested to |