( 377. ) |
Westborough= Church=___ |
Covenant. |
|===================================| |
The Day being arrived (which before was |
Oct.28.1724. |
appointed) for ye Gathering a Church and |
ordaining a Pastor over them; and the Rev. |
& Beloved Elders and Delegates being formed |
into an Ecclesiastical Council proceeded in |
very Solemn manner to the^ organization & |
^ embodying |
The Covenant which was Signed by Each of |
& said work: |
the members was in this Subsequent form |
Westb: Octob: 28. 1724. |
We [whose names are hereun |
:to Subscribed Inhabitants of the |
Town of Wes^tborough in New England] |
knowing that we are very prone to offend |
and provoke the most high God both |
in Heart and Life. thro the Prevalence |
of Sin yt dwelleth in us and Manifold |
Temptations from without us, for wch |
we have great Reason to be unfeignedly |
humbled before Him from Day to Day; |
Do, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ |
with Dependence upon the gracious As |
:sistance of his Holy Spirit Solemnly enter |
into Covenant with God, & one wth ano |
:ther, according to God, as Followeth. |
1. That having Chosen & taken the |
Lord Jehovah to be our GOD, we will fear |
him, cleave to him in Love & Serve him in |
Truth, with all our Hearts; giving up or |
selves unto him to be his People, in all |
things to be at his Direction & Sovereign |
Disposal, that we may have & hold Com |
:munion with him, as members of Christ’s |
mystic= |