_______Chh - Records.__189. |
June 3. Nathan Kenny, Simon Forbes |
and Susanna his Wife were admitted |
into full Communion with ye Chh. |
10. Antipas, of Barn. & Eunice Newton, |
& Mary & Abner of Simon & Sus. Forbes, bapt. |
17. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
July 1. Joseph, of Joseph & Ruth Harrington |
Jabez of Benajah & |
Brigham |
& Hannah, of Joseph & Esther Belknap, baptizd. |
22. Anna, of Isaac & Margery Parker, bapt. |
29. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
p.m. Elizabeth, of Eli and Deb. Warren and Anna-Sophia |
X |
Brigham were baptizd. |
Aug. 5. Abihail, Dauter of Moses & Lydia |
Wheelock, baptizd. |
Sept. 2. Joseph, of Eleazr & Sarah Rider, bapt. |
9. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Simon, of Simon & Susanna Forbes, baptizd. |
Sept. 30. Beulah, wife of Benj. Fay |
was admitted into full Communion. |
The Chh was stopd & a Letter from our |
Brother Dan. Adams was read. In it |
he informs yt on ye 2d Tuesday of Oct. next |
a no of Chhs are requested to meet at his |
House & desires us to attend with them. |
___ The Qn. was put, Whether this Chh does |
comply therewith? There was not a Vote ___ |
But one hand was lifted up for it. |
Octob. 7 Six Children of Mr Benjamin |
& Mrs Beulah Fay were baptizd. |
viz: Benjamin & Solomon, Martha, Beu- |
lah, Lydia & Lucy. ___ |
Oct. |
^Y July 1. The Chh was stopd. A Letter from Mr D. Adams
of ye 13. of June read. Qn. was put Whether ye Chh is of
ye mind that there is any Thing in ys Letter yt requires
a Chh meeting upon it? Or is there any Thing yt yy
would consider, & act upon, Now? It passd in ye Neg.