__Records.__ |
31. |
The Chh waited some time and debated the matter |
whether it Should be now heard or no ___ and |
it was resolvd to put off the hearing till all the |
witnesses might be present ___ wrupon the Meeting |
was adjourn’d to this Day Sennight & So were |
dismissd wth Prayer & Blessing ________ |
17th The Chh met & after supplication en- |
:terd again into ye forementiond Debate & |
witnesses were brought by Rice for his Defense |
agst Newton__ and long & Tedious Debates fol |
:lowd & continued late into ye Evg but never yeless |
newssless ___ and we were obligd to adjourn |
to Monday come fortnight ______ |
Sept. 4. The Chh met together again upon |
adjournmt to Consider further ye Case of Peres |
Rice. The Debates were renew’d, (Supplicn having |
been first attended) And upon ye whole hearing |
of the Case, illustrated by all Partys, Witnesses |
and Circumstances the Chh appeard of ye mind |
yt Charity might be extended towards our Brother |
as to his Intentions, yt yy they were not with perverse |
Design to Deceive, but that his Expressions were |
not well conducted. And upon his making (a |
written) acknowledgmt to that effect he was re |
Stord The Votes were 12 agst 6 for his acceptce |
and restoration ________ |
Sept. 17. Mary Beton enterd into ye Christian |
Profession, and was baptizd & Isaac, son of |
Isaac & Jemima Tomlin was likewise baptized. |
24. Mary, dauter of Danl Warrin, was baptized. |
Octob. 1. Eunice Flagg, by virtue of a Dis= |
=mission from West-Waterton, was admitted |
into |