Chh – Records. |
137. |
Pastor added yt considering the paper |
referrd to came to him unprepard, & |
yt That was not done about it, wc he ex- |
pected, & depended upon to have been |
done; as appears since, (tho he did not |
know ^ this before the reading of it) he was |
Sorry he read it, & prayd ye Chh to for- |
give what mis-step there was therein. |
Then it was put to Vote, whether the |
Lds Supper be attended upon, according |
to the appointmt and if it be the |
mind of the Chh yt it be ^ & yt it includes & |
implys ^ that ye Chh doth hereby signi- |
^ therein, |
fy their acceptance & satisfaction wth |
the agreemt aforesaid, & ^ wt has been of- |
^ with |
ferd respecting the Reading of ye Paper ___ |
___ It passd in ye affirmative. ___ |
___ with ye Blessing ye Chh was dismissd. |
Apr. 26. The Lords Supper was administred |
Sacrt |
p.m. Mrs Anna Marbel, wife of Mr Jonn |
Marbel of Grafton, presented two Chil- |
dren to Baptism ___ she being a member of good standing |
in the Chh in Grafton, as appears by a Certificat |
from Rev. Mr Hutchinson; ^ they were led up |
^ there being |
by their respective Masters, Henry by Bar- |
no objn |
nabas Newton, & Anna by Danl Miller ___ |
against it, |
and they were both of ym baptized. |
May 10. Luther of Joseph & Jemma Morse, bapt. |
___ & The Chh was detaind so long as to |
hear a Letter to ye Pastr from Seven Brn |
desiring a Chh – meeting, to considr whether |
Mrs Andrews may enjoy ^ Commn with ys Chh? |
^ transient |
a Chh meetg was accly appted to be on ye 19th |
19. The Chh met accg to apptmt ___ |
The meeting was opend by Prayr & an Exhrn ___ |
After |