8. |
_Church_ |
3d Chh meeting |
Oct: 12. ^ The Church ^ come together |
^It was ye Day |
upon the Bus’ness before named, and thô yre |
appointed |
was a great deal of Care taken that every |
for |
one yt was not sick should be present yet |
^ to |
There ware but Eleven ^ present.There was |
^ assembled. |
First a Debate about ye validity of Such pro- |
:ceedings as those of a minor Part of a Chh |
met togather. All present ware of Opini- |
:on that Proper warning being given If ei- |
:ther thro Divine Providence preventing by |
1727 |
Sickness &c: or thrò neglect from time to time |
the majority Should be absent yet Those |
yt are orderly met together are impowered |
to transact & manage the Church’s Bus’ |
:ness. and it was Thought unreasonable yt |
the Affairs propos’d Should be any fur- |
:ther put off, or the Brethren obliged to |
gather together from Time to Time till |
there should happen to be a major |
^of ye retaind |
Part, When a great number ^ were disabled |
& Everyone fully Notifyed. So that it was |
thought expedient as well as defensible |
to proceed. [------] Accordingly address |
was first preferr’d to Heaven and then |
The Church (as they were look’d upon |
John Fay & |
to be) Chose By Written votes John Fay |
Isaac Tomlin |
& Isaac Tomlin to be the Deacons of |
Elected |
This Chh; And Scarcely a Vote for anyone |
Deacons. |
besides. __ |
And as to the other Article respecting |
Vessels it was voted that Two shillings |
Should be collected of every Male Member |
of the Chh to purchase a Flagon holding |
1727 |
Two quarts; & Two Pint Tankard; also a |
Aug. 12 |
Bason for Water of Baptism. |
Which ended, & various Conferences tend- |
:ing to promote and secure the Chh’s |
Safety, The Meeting clos’d with of |
:fering Supplication & Thanksgiving to |
God. _____ |
15. Jonah Warrin & Eliza |
:beth his Wife offer’d Confessions |
(having broken the Seventh Commandmt) |
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