Chh Records. |
95. |
Edds Whipple to Set the Tune; and in |
the Tunes which we have been wont to |
Sing in this Congregation. ____ |
NB. These last voted were occasiond by |
Some late Disturbances in or Singing. |
Decr 3. The holy Supper was administd |
Sacrt |
____10. Daniel, of Moses & Persis Warrin, bapt. |
___24. Francis, of Richard & Eliz. Barns, bapt. |
Memord~ The Same Day a Request was Read to ye Chh |
& Congregation, signed by David Goodenow, in wc |
he represents his low & necessitous Circumstances by |
reason of his own & his Wife’s Sickness &c. and |
asks a Charitable Contribution on Janry 7th next. |
Jan. 14. 1753. Gregorian Style, |
1753 |
Elisha, of Elijah & Sarah Rice, baptizd. |
Feb. 11. Zipporah, of Ephm & Mary Bruce, bapt. |
18. Samuel, of Jonas & Lydia and Twitchel, bapt. |
25. Nathan & Lucy Maynard own’d |
the Covt ____ NB After ye Exercise ye Chh was |
stopt and their Advice was askd touchg |
a Second Letter from David Goodenow ^ request |
^ wc was |
ing a Contribution for him, being hims. and |
read to |
wife greatly reducd ___ The Chh voted it ad- |
ye Chh |
viseable that there be a Contribution for him |
March 4. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
Nathan, of Nathan & Lucy Maynard, Baptizd |
____ 18. Daniel, of Ebr & Mary Chamberlin, bapt. |
NB. This Day yre was a Contribution for ye Relief of |
Contrib. |
Mr David Goodenow. It amounted to 16£.13S |
for Mr D. |
old Tenr besides |
14 |
of broken & doubtfull money. |
Goodenow. |
April 1. A Letter from ye Chh in Hollistion, dated |
March 26. requesting assistce in Council there |
Council at |
on Apr. 11. on acct of Difficulty from Capt. Jacob Foster, |
Holliston. |
(who also signs ye Letter missive) wc yy cannot |
get |