158. |
_Chh- Records._ |
Aug. 8. Eli, of Jonn & Abigl Batheric |
22. Isaac & Anna Davis |
was bapt. |
made Confession of the Sin of Fornication |
were restord to Charity & admitted into |
full Communion with ye Chh. |
Submitt, of Thads & Hannah Warrin & |
Phineas, of Isaac & Anna Davis, bapt. |
29. Ebenr junr & Esther Chamberlain |
were admitted into full communion |
Sacrt |
The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sept. 5. Persis Putnam (Wife of Rufus |
Putnam of Brookfield) heretofore Rice |
was dismissd; & voted yt she be recommend- |
ed to ye 2d Chh in Brookfield. |
Mansfield, of Artemas & Mary Bruce, bapt. |
19. Ephraim, Martha, & Sarah, |
of Ebenezer & Esther Chamberlin, |
were baptizd. |
^ Brn of ye |
The ^ Chh were stopd after Exercis- |
es, and the pastor proposed to ye Chh |
to shew whether it was not their mind to |
Enquire into ye Conduct of our Sister |
Eunice Rice, since ^ yt affair had been |
neglected for a long time? |
It was voted yt yy would. |
It was proposd again, |
Whether they would Send a Comtee |
to her to know how She was affected? |
It passd in ye Affirmative. |
Again, yt ye Number be three. |
Voted Deacon Bond be one. |
______ Bror Nathl Whitney anor |
_____ Brr Benj. Fay the third. |
Concluded with ye Blessing. ____ |
Oct. |