_Chh Records.__ |
37. |
Jan. 12. Mary, Dauter of (Eleazar) and) |
Ruhamah Pratt, was baptizd __________ |
_____ 19. Mary Greaves ^was baptizd |
26. Abigail, of Daniel & Vashti Hardy baptizd |
and Rebecca Tainter junr (Dauter of ^ Rebecca ^ |
Simon |
Tainter) was admitted into Chh Fellowship. |
& |
Feb: 16. Samuel & Deborah Grow admitted into ye Chh. |
23. Sacramt administred _______ & |
Sacramt |
Timothy, of Beriah Rice baptized _______ |
Feb: 24. Catech: |
March 2. Olive, of James & Mary Maynard |
at ye meeting |
& Jonathan, of Jonn & Lydia Goodenow bapt. |
House. |
_______ 16. James, of James & Lydia Fay, bapt. |
23. Silas, of Josiah & Mary Walker, bapt. |
Apr: 6. Dorothy, of Joseph & Dorothy Thurston bapt. |
>May 4. Eunice of Cornelius & Eunice Cooke, & |
Jane of Thoms & Sarah Billings, (who |
bapt. |
had own’d ye Covt at Concord) _____ |
_____ 18. Thomas Goodenow and Persis his wife ownd |
ye Covt and Persis, yeir Daûter was baptized _______ |
The same Day Aaron Hardy & Abigail (Dauter of Jonn) |
Forbush were admitted into full Communion |
____ 25. Sacramt Administred ___ |
Sacramt |
June 5. Catechizd at ye meeting house. Males a.m. Females |
___ 8. Elizabeth, of Thomas junr and Hannah Forbush, bapt. |
pm |
July 13. The Sacramt was administred __________ |
Sacramt |
_____ 20. Josiah Bouker & Hazadiah his wife made |
their Confession & Humiliation for violating ye 7th Comt |
& were restord and ownd the Covt |
____ 27. Joshua Townsend made Profession of Chtianity, was |
admitted into ye Catholic Chh and was baptizd |
He was also admitted into our Communion |
John [illegible words] and Hannah Liscomb (heretofore |
[illegible words] Fay junr deceasd) and Mehetable Cutler, wife |
of James Cutler having all Three requested Dismissions by |
means of their being removd away from this Town, their Request |
was |
>Apr: 13. Sacramt administred _____________ |
Sacramt |
appointed ye catechizg to be on ye 15th To be on ye north side |
of ye Town |