34. |
Church |
be sent to the said Family to Labour wth ym for |
a Composition, especially to express ye Watch & Care of ye |
chh over our Sister Mrs Fay ___ The Comtee appointed & |
sent were Deacs Tomlin, Brr Jonn Forbes & Brr |
Joseph Wheeler. |
(3. Brr John Green’s Case and his Desire of a Dismission |
now he is gone to dwell at Brookfield, was laid before |
ye Chh. Agreed yt it be referrd to Considn & Advice upon |
it. |
(4. The Case of Sister Rebecca Byles who had been prose |
:cuted for Defaming Mr John Hicks (member of ye Chh of Cam |
:bridge) before Nahum Ward Esq. And ye Case of her Brr Thos |
Furbush, who together with his Sister Byles were pro= |
:secuted before ye Same Justice for Speaking falsely of |
ye Said Hicks words while at ye foresaid Justice’s house __ |
In which Cases they were both Cast and Judgmt went agst ym |
before Mr Justice Ward, but appeald from ye Sentence: |
However yey Saw Meet to Agree before ye time of ye Court, & |
were now brought before ye Chh. And Each of e’m made |
(^ especially |
Such acknowledgmts ^ as yt the Chh Voted yeir Acceptce |
Sister Byles |
of and restord em to yeir Charity _____ |
So my freely) |
After Earnest Exhortn to grt Care & Watchfullness ___ Strong Caution agst Reproaching one another, against pas |
:sionateness & unsuitable Expressions &c _ ye Chh was dismissd __ |
March 24. Eliphalet, of Thomas & Lydia Warrin baptizd |
Sacramt |
_______ 31. Sacramt administred ___ |
Lydia, of James & Sarah Ball & |
baptizd |
Solomon, of Saml junr and Deliverance Fay |
^ Margaret |
April.14. Samuel, of John & ^ McAlaster (or McCollister) baptizd |
_____ 21. Sarah, of Abner & Vashti Newton, bapt. |
May 5. Deborah, Sarah, Hannah & Submitt Ward |
Dauters of Oliver Ward, having given their Solemn Con |
:sent to ye Covt were baptizd as were likewise |
Elizabeth, of Edward Baker & |
Hannah, of Ephraim & Susanna Allen. |
June 9. Lucy, of Nat. & Mary Whitney, |
Thomas, of Saml & Tab. Hardy, baptizd |
John, of (John &) Jemima Caruth |
_____ 16. Sarah, the Wife of Thomas Bruce |
was admitted into our Communion _________ |
Jun. 23. |