Chh Reco’ds_ |
219 |
2 Voted their be a Committee Chosen |
to wait on the Selectmen, with a Copy |
of the Chh’s Vote. and request them to call |
a TownMeeting to see if the Town will |
concur with ye Chh in giving Mr E Mills |
a Call to ye Pastoral Charge of both Chh & |
People in this place ___ |
3ly that the Committee consist of Three |
Br Abijah Gale |
Br Jos: Harrington |
Deacon James Hawes |
4 Voted their be a Committee to wait |
on, and acquaint Mr Mills with ye Vote of |
the Chh |
5. Voted that it consist of Three |
Br Abijah Gale |
Br James Hawes |
Br Elijah Brigham |
6 The Meeting by a Vote was Dessolved |