An account of those persons who have been |
receivd into the Church in Westborough since |
January 14 __ 1789. |
___ |
Augst 9 Judith wife of Eli Whitney was receivd |
upon recommendation from the |
second Church in Sutton. ___ |
_________________________________________________ |
Decr 13 ⊕Hannah wife of Beriah Ware was receivd |
upon recommendation from the |
second Church in Brookfield . ___ |
________________________________________________ |
1790 |
⊕Mrs Lucy Fairbanks and Mrs Sarah |
Febry 7 |
Pike were receivd . ___ |
_______________________________________________ |
March 28 ⊕Martha wife of Asahel Bigelow was |
receivd . |
___ |
________________________________________________ |
April 11 |
⊖Barnabas Newton and Eunice his wife |
were were receivd. |
___ |
______________________________________________ |
Augst 22 |
⊕Mrs Dinah Bond was receivd . ___ |
______________________________________________ |
1791 |
⊕David Tainter and Catharine his wife |
Janry 9 |
were receivd. |
___ |
______________________________________________ |
May 1 |
MrJonathan Grout Junr A.B was receivd |
________________________________________________ |
July 24 |
Sarah Sampson was receivd. ___ |
_________________________________________________ |
Octbr 30 |
Asa Forbush and Mehitable his wife |
was receivd. were receivd. |
___ |
_________________________________________________ |
1792 |
⊕Lydia Brigham was receivd . ___ |
Febry 5 |
_________________________________________________ |
June 17 |
⊕Mary Forbush was receivd . ___ |
_________________________________________________ |
Augst 5 William Johnson and ⊕Marcy his wife |
also ⊕Nathanael Fay Fay and ⊕Ruth his |
wife were all receivd upon recommen |
dation from the Church in Southborough |
______________________________________________________ |
Decr 2 Miss Hannah Harrington and ⊕Miss M |
argaret Miller were receivd. ___ |
______________________________________________________ |
1793 . |
Martha Chamberlain was receivd. |
Augst 11___________________________________________________ |
Novr 10 ⊕Jedidah Forbush and John Tyler were |
received. ___ |
________________________________________________ |
Decr 22 Betsey Grout was receivd. |
joined the Baptists |
_____________________________________________________ |
20 + 6 |