__The Names of_ |
To the Church, these Persons fol |
:lowing have been added since ye |
incorporation; and God grant that |
both these and those already named |
may be of those that Shall be Saved; |
with all those likewise yt hereafter may be added! |
1724. |
Novemb: 22.1724. |
⊕ Increase Ward.⊕ a52 |
1725. |
April. 4. |
1725. |
⊕ Josiah Newton. |
July 25. 1725. |
⊕ Anna Rice. |
⊕ Abigail Forbush. |
⊕ Mary Parkman. ⊕ |
(Dismissd From o= |
⊕ Elizabeth Fay. |
-ther Churches,) |
⊕ Dorcas Forbush |
# Bathsheba Pratt. |
# Peres Rice. |
Septemb: 5.1725. |
# Lydia Rice. |
⊕ Dinah Goodenough. & |
(Dismiss’d to us.) |
⊕ Mary Brigham. |
Martha Howard. |
⊕+John Fay Junr + |
#x Hannah Fay. x |
Octob: 3. 1725 |
# Nathan Ball. |
⊕ Mary Ball. |
# John Pratt junr |
# Martha Thurston. |
Novemb: 21.1725. |
# Rebecca Byles. |
1726. |
Apr: 3. |
1726. |
⊕ Simon Tainter. |
May. 1. |
1726. |
⊕Asher Rice. |
Sept: 11. 1726. |
⊕ Edward Baker. |
Nov: 13. 1726. |
⊕x Hannah Holloway + |
Dec: 11. 1726. |
⊕Thomas Forbush Junr |
1727. |
Jan: 29. 1727. |
⊕ Katherine Joslin. |
March 26. 1727. |
#x Mary Shattuck. + |
Apr: 2. 1727. |
⊕ Jonathan Forbush. |
(Dismissd to us.) |
⊕ Hannah Forbush. |
May 7. 1727. |
⊕ Tabitha Fay. |
Sept. 24. 1727. |
#x Eunice Pratt. + |
Oct: |