

    =ing of ye Chh if it was expected for him

    to provide ye papers and Evidence needed

    and prayd that ye Chh would adjourn &

    give him thereby Oppty to prepare himself

    better than he now was or could be _______

    The Chh accepted him in this & adjourned

    to next Monday come fortnight

    The Meeting yrfore concluded wth prayr &

    the Blessing ______

       Sept. 13. The Chh meeting further adjournd

    to Sept. 29. _____

    Chh Meetg

    Sept. 29. Chh met accg to adjournmt ^ & After Prayer to G. Recd

    & Read ye papers from Justice Nahum Ward, on

    ye Case of Cornelius Cook, heard ye witnesses wc were

    present viz. Deac. Tomlin & Noah How, on ye same

    and heard ye long declaration & Defence of sd Cook.

    and then After debating a while, ye Chh adjourned to next

    Friday come fortnight; and so concluded wth prayer

    Oct. 4. John, of Samual &

    Gamel bapt.

    Chh Meetg

    ____ 9. The Chh according to Adjournmt

    Met and William, John & Jonathan Rogers

    being now present, Cornelius Cook was call’d

    upon to proceed with that part of his Decla

    :ration & Defence wch respected them (ye said

    Rogers’s) wc he did; and ye Chh recd also yeir

    Answers severally thereto and then desird

    Them to withdraw.

      The Chh having debated what they found

    needfull passd the following Votes.

    1. That ye Chh is not satisfyd with the

    Declaration made by Cornelius Cook, respectg

    his Guiltiness of ye matter of Complaint made

    against him.

    Nem. Contrad.

    2. That Cornelius Cook is, in the Judgmt of ye

    ^ guilty

    Chh ^ of profane swearing; & expects his Humil

    :liation before he enjoy Special privileges in ye


      These Votes being passd They were calld in again

    who had withdrawn; ye votes were read & a brief Exhortn

    given to said Cook; & a word also was given to sd Rogers’s &
