1 That the Letter, the copy of this Church’s Admoni |
tion, and the form of confession which the Pastor |
had previously prepard should be sent to Brother |
Daniel Adams. _____ |
______ |
______________ 281 |
2 Voted to choose a Committee to carry the same |
3 Voted that Brother Daniel Chamberlain and |
Deacon James Hawes be the Committee .______ |
NB The above Committee made a written |
report to me in which they stated that |
February the Nineteenth the Week after they |
were appointed they personally saw and deliv |
erd to Brother Daniel Adams the Letter, the |
copy of the Churches Admonition, and the |
form of confession which the Pastor by disire |
of the Church had previously made out for him |
the said Adams. ___ |
_____ |
____ |
_____ |
1804 |
NB For the report see the Files. _______ |
Jun 6 |
The Church tarried after the blessing and |
upon the request of Brother Jonathan Bath |
rick to be excused from leading in the singi |
ng in future at communion.__ Therefore Voted |
1 To proceed at this time to the choice of Choris |
ters. ____ |
____ |
____ |
____ |
___________ |
2 Voted that the number be two. ________ |
3 Voted that Brother Solomon Fay be the |
first and that Brother Barnum Blake |
be the second. __ |
__ |
_______ |
A motion was made at this meeting that |
the practice of reading the Hymns by the |
Deacons at communion line by line during |
the singing in future should be omitted. _ |
Whereupon the Church Voted. _______ |
4 To adjourn the further consideration of the |
above motion to the next Lecture. _____ |
Augst 8 |
The Church tarried after the blessing accordi |
ng to adjournment and Voted |
that our practice of reading the Hymns |
by the Deacons at the singing at our comm |
union in future should be omitted. ____ |
Octbr 7 |
The Church tarried after divine service at |
Noon Lords Day and Voted that John Bell |
ows son of Mr Reuben and Mrs Elizabeth B- |
ellows Bellows on account of his being more |
than fifteen years old and on account of his being |