___Chh- Records. |
85 |
Aug. 20. David Batherick made profession of |
Religion, and was baptized. |
____ 27. David Bathrick & Lydia his Wife |
were admitted into full Communion, and |
the Lords Supper was also administred. |
Sacrt |
The same Day Hephzibah, of Stephen |
& Thankfull Maynard was baptizd |
Sept. 3. At the New Meeting House, |
Jonathan, Solomon & Anna, of David and |
Lydia Bathrick; and Deborah of Eleazr |
& Mary Whitney were baptizd. |
24. Olive, of Ephm and Mary Bruce, baptizd. |
Oct. 1. Eli, of Saml & Eliz. Harrington, baptizd. |
The Chh was Stopd and a Letter to us from the |
Letter from |
first Chh of Cht in Sutton desiring assistce in |
Sutton 1 Chh |
Council, wth Six other Chhs, on ye 17th Currant |
But ye Request of ye Letter was not Voted. |
____8. A Letter from Shrewsbury first Chh was |
Letter from |
Comm.ted to ye Chh, requesting assistance in Council |
Shrewsbury |
there, on ye 11th instant, wc was voted & |
First Chh |
That yre be Two Delegates. |
That Brr Baker be one ___ That Brr Fran. Whipple be ye other. |
===NB. The Sacrt of ye Lords Supper had been admin. |
Sacrt |
(in the Foreprt of ye Afternoon) as usual. |
__ 29. Moses & Aaron, twin Children of Solomon |
& Anna Rice, were baptiz’d. |
Nov. 12. Daniel, of Phinehas & Prudence |
Hardy. (being their Twelfth Child, & all now |
living) was baptized. |
19. Elizabeth, Wife of James Millar junr & |
Mehitabel, wife of Moses Brigham; likewise |
Margaret, wife of James Millar (recommended to |
us from ye West Chh in Sudbury) were admitted |
into Chh Fellowship and ye same day |
The Sacrt of ye Lords Supper was administd |
Sacrt |
Dec. |