Chh – Records. |
133 |
Dec. 1. The Lds Supper was administd |
_Sacrt |
Jan. 26. 1766. Hannah, of Joseph |
1766. |
& Martha Baker, was baptizd. |
Feb. 2. Prudence, of Elijah & Prudce Rice, baptiz’d |
23. William Parkman was ad- |
mitted into full Communion. |
March 16. Lucy, wife of Moses, Sever, |
was admitted to full Communion. |
23. The Lords Supper was administd |
Sacrt |
Sarah, of Saml junr & Abigl Forbes. bapt. |
A Letter bearing date, Rutland District |
March 11. 1766. Signd by John Caldwell and |
12 more, brethren of ye Chh there, requestg |
assistance in Council on Apr. 2 next, on acct |
of Difficultys among ym having been |
read last Lords Day, & left to Considn |
was now read again; and it was put to |
ye Brn to manifest whether yy wd comply |
wth ye Request of Said Letter; but there was |
no Vote. |
Apr. 27. Joseph, of Capt Jonas & Persis, Brigham, bapt. |
by Rev. Mr Stone in ye Pastors absence. |
May 4. The Lords Supper was admind |
Sacrt |
June 1. Benjamin-Lazedell, of John |
& Martha Wood, baptizd. |
15. The Lords Supper was adminisd |
Sacrt |
29. Martha, of Thomas & Martha Tem- |
ple was bapt. at their House. The Child |
being judgd to be just departing. A No of |
ye Chh & other Neighbours were present. |
The woman had ownd ye Covt at Framing- |
ham & enjoyd privilege there. This was |
certifyd by Rev. Mr Bridge, Pastr |
NB The child ^ expird before night. ___ |
^ revivd |
a little, |
July 27. The Lds Supper was admind |
but |
Aug. |
Sacrt |