4. |
_ Church___ |
May. 1. Asher Rice was admitted |
into our Communion. |
8. Betty the Daûter of John |
& Bathsheba Pratt. was Baptized.____ |
22. Hannah the Daughter of Jo: |
:seph and Martha Willard of Hassinemisco |
was Baptized. __ |
29. Jedidiah The Son of Peres & |
Lydia Rice was (by Mr Barrett in My |
absence) Baptized. _______ |
Sacrt |
June 26. The Lords Supper was |
Solemnized with us. ______ |
July 10. Noah, Son of Aaron & Susanna Forbush |
was Baptized. ___ |
Sacrt |
August 21. was Sacrament Day. ___ |
Sept: 11. Edward Baker was ad= |
1726 |
:mitted into our Communion. 18. Mary the Daughter of Isaac |
& Mary Shattuck was baptized.____ |
Sacrt |
25. The Sacrament was administered. |
^Octob: 9. Eli, ye Son of Jonathan |
Novembêr. 6. Gideon the Son of Jonathan and Martha Howard was Baptized. |
& Hannah Forbush |
13. Hannah Holloway was ad |
was Baptizd by Mr Cushing in |
:mitted into our Fellowship. & this Day also The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was |
my absence. |
Administered among us. _______ |
Sacrt |
December 11. Thomas Forbush Junr |
was admitted into our Communion. |
25. Persis, Dauter of Edward |
and Persis Baker, was baptized. ___ |
1727. |
January 1. Ann Daûter of John & |
Jennet McCollister was baptized. |
15. Mary, Daûter of William |
and Mary Holloway was baptized.____ |
Jan: 29. |
9 |