Covenant._ |
379. |
And warning any Brother or Sis |
:ter which offendeth, not divulging |
private offences irregularly; but heed |
:fully following the Severall Precepts |
laid down by Christ for Church=Dealing |
in Matth: Willingly for |
:giving all that manifest to the |
Judgment of Charity that they truly |
repent of their Miscarriages. ____ |
Now the God of Peace that |
brought again from ye Dead our |
Lord Jesus Christ: That grt Shep |
:herd of the Sheep, this ye Blood |
of the Everlasting Covenant; make |
us all Perfect in Every good way |
and work to do his Will, working |
in us That which is Well pleasing |
in his Sight through Jesus Christ. |
To whom be Glory for Ever & Ever__ |
Amen. ___ |
⊕ Ebenezer Parkman. Pastor. |
⊕ Thomas Forbush. |
⊕ John Pratt. |
⊛ Edmund Rice. |
⊕ Isaac Tomlin. Deacons. |
⊕ John Fay. |
⊕ David Maynard. |
⊕ Thomas Newton. |
⊕ James Bradish. dyd Feb. 1763. |
⊕ David Brigham. |
⊕ Joseph Wheeler. |
⊕ James Ball. |
⊕ Isaac Tomlin Junr |
Of ye members here & that follow, note well, |
Those yt are markd ⊛ (before yeir names) |
To |
are dead. Those markd + made Confessions. |
Those with this mark, #] are dismissed from us, |
yt is yeir particular Relation to us transferrd to some |
other Chh. |