44. |
_Church_ |
Oct.10. Mary (ye Wife of Beriah) Rice, & |
Patience (Daûter of Jonn) Forbush |
were admitted into full Communion; & |
Sacrmt |
ye Same Day ye Sacramt of ye Lords Supper |
was administered. _______ |
_ 24. Isaac, ye son of John & Margaret McAllister |
Sacramt Nov. 21. |
John, ye son of Jacob & Hannah Rice __ |
bapt. |
Dec: 12. Priscilla, of Wm & Rebec. Nurse, bapt. |
1737. |
Feb- 13. Rebecca, of Danl & Mary Warrin |
Sacrt |
_____ 27. Sacramt Administrd ________ |
& Joseph son of John & Rebecca Hicks bapt. |
March 6. Mehetabel, of James & Lydia Fay bapt. |
______ 20. Stephen, of Beriah and Mary Rice bapt. |
_____ 27. Sarah, of Eleazar & Ruhamah Pratt (of |
Shrewsbury) baptized. _______ |
Apr. 3. Jemima, of Wm & Mary Holloway & bapt. |
Jemima, of Silas & Mindwell Brigham by Rev |
Mr Prentice of Grafton. in my absence. _____ |
____ 10. Martha Thurston dismiss’d to |
Uxbridge. Hephzibah Maynard, be |
:ing dismissd from Marlborô, was admit |
Sacramt |
:ted; and the Lords Supper administred. |
___ 17. Hannah, of Josiah & Ruhamah Newton bapt. |
Mary, of Ithamar & Mary Bellows |
___ 18. Ebenezer, of John & Bathsheba Pratt, baptizd in |
their own House; ye Child being in a dangerously ill. |
May. 8. Susanna, of Saml junr & Delivce Fay |
bapt. by |
Mary, of Jonn & Lydia Goodenow |
Rev. Mr |
Thomas, of Cornelius & Eunice Cook |
Cushing of |
Jonas, of Stephen & Ruth Fay |
Shrewsbury. |
May |