264  .

    Chh Record  __________


    Novr 30. Being the Sabbath. Mr John Robbin.


    Affermative Answer to An

    Invitation to Settle in the Gospel Mi

    -nestry in this place was Read by

    the Clerk of the Chh ___  And

    Hannah of Benja & Lucretia Warren

    was Baptized by ye Revd Elisha Fish.

    Decr 7 Being the Sabbath the Chh Tarry

    after ye Blessing and Appoint a Chh

    Meeting to be on the 11th Current at 2

    oClok PM. to Converse with Mr

    John Robbinson the Pastor Elect

    respecting the Chh Covenant & his

    satisfaction therein & Also Respecting

    Chh Discipline _  Afte and Veted to

    Chuse a Committee Consisting of three

    to wait on Mr Robbinson and

    Request his attendance and __

    that Br Joseph Harrington

    Elijah Brigham

    Eli Whitney be a

    Committee for that purpose __