_Records.___ |
13. |
= ministrations to the Direction & Blessing |
of our gracs God & Redeemer, especially un- |
:der the present Difficulties, imploring Pardon |
at ye Hands of God; with Thanksgivings for his |
innumerable both public & Private mercies, |
& Beseeching yt ye threatning Evils may |
be averted from us – We departed from |
The Meeting |
one another for [---------] ________________ |
was dissolved. |
April 4. Being met together we first |
7th Chh |
offered up most Earnest Supplications to God |
meeting. |
to prevent ye Evils threatning us, to grant his im |
:mediate & Signal presance with us, & to Assist, |
Conduct, & give an happy issue to us. The Pastor |
next declard The Bus’ness of the Meeting; namely, |
to take under our Cognizance ye late Conduct |
of Josiah Newton; But before it was proceeded |
to, ye Pastor gave an urgent Premonition & Ex= |
:hortation, touching ye Evils & Dangers we were |
in a very dreadfull manner exposd to, and press- |
:ing to utmost Caution & watchfulness ^ Delibera |
^ over or Selves |
:tion and prayerfullness, & relyance on God &c: |
as well as agst |
Then it was Enquir’d, How far doth Josiah New |
or Spl Enemies, |
:ton acknowledge hims. Sorry for wt he has |
done; and what is meant by his Proceedings |
with John McCollister? and he answering yt |
thereby he mean’t his Leading them (namely |
John McCollister and the Persons with Him) |
along in Such a Train of Discourse as Decei- |
:ved them; agreeable __ a Confession was im- |
:mediately drawn up at Br Newtons Request |
and Direction: And [----] being read to the Chh |
Several Times over,________ Acceptance was |
universally Voted. After which the Pastor |
turn’d to the sd Newton with a brief word both |
Hortatory & Consolatory. ___ |
Our Brother Asher Rice ^ had requested yt Some |
complaints of His ^ might have an hearing (Sav: |
agst ye Same |
:ing only That ^ relating to ye Same Deceit before |
Newton |
Spoken of: ^ wth his humbling himslf beforesaid, ye |
^ Complaint |
sd Rice was well Satisfyd __ & declard ^ he also for |
of His |
ever sunk ye Temporal Part also.) There were |
^ withal, yt |
then |
:^ was dropt; and |