
    _Chh - Records.

    __  27. Martha, of Ebr & Hannah Miller

    July 4. Lavinia Baker was ad-


    mitted into ye Church.

    ___ 11. It was proposd to ye Chh to

    consider the sore Judgmt of God in the

    Drought, and considering that there

    is no Public Fast  appointed, nor

    was it known yt there would be, it was

    proposd to keep ye next Thursday, as a

    Day of Fasting & Prayer on ye mentiond

    acct and it was Voted in ye affirmative.

    It was also desird yt ye Congregn wd concur

    in it, wc was manifested by yeir Silence

    The Pastor also mentiond it that he shd ex-

    pect the Assistce of his Rev. Brn in ye Minis-

    try, in carrying on the Service.

    14. The Pastor receiving a proclama

    tion for a Day of Prayer to be on ye 28 in-

    stant, and several Messages Sent him

    by neighborg ministers yt yy cd not as-

    sist, and having reason to doubt of most

    of ye Rest, he took advice of Such as he

    cd consult on ye occasion; who all were

    of ye mind yt it was best to put it by: he

    accordingly Sent messengers & messages

    into every part of ye Parish to notifie Pp

    universally that it was: znd wrote Letters

    where yy were needfull to ye Same Purpose.

    For ye Foundation being removd, it was

    conceivd that what was built thereon, of

    consequence fell.


    Aug. 8. The Lords Supper was admind
