122. |
_Chh - Records. |
__ 27. Martha, of Ebr & Hannah Miller |
July 4. Lavinia Baker was ad- |
bapt. |
mitted into ye Church. |
___ 11. It was proposd to ye Chh to |
consider the sore Judgmt of God in the |
Drought, and considering that there |
is no Public Fast appointed, nor |
was it known yt there would be, it was |
proposd to keep ye next Thursday, as a |
Day of Fasting & Prayer on ye mentiond |
acct and it was Voted in ye affirmative. |
It was also desird yt ye Congregn wd concur |
in it, wc was manifested by yeir Silence |
The Pastor also mentiond it that he shd ex- |
pect the Assistce of his Rev. Brn in ye Minis- |
try, in carrying on the Service. |
14. The Pastor receiving a proclama |
tion for a Day of Prayer to be on ye 28 in- |
stant, and several Messages Sent him |
by neighborg ministers yt yy cd not as- |
sist, and having reason to doubt of most |
of ye Rest, he took advice of Such as he |
cd consult on ye occasion; who all were |
of ye mind yt it was best to put it by: he |
accordingly Sent messengers & messages |
into every part of ye Parish to notifie Pp |
universally that it was: znd wrote Letters |
where yy were needfull to ye Same Purpose. |
For ye Foundation being removd, it was |
conceivd that what was built thereon, of |
consequence fell. |
Sacrt |
Aug. 8. The Lords Supper was admind |
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