At the desere of the Churches Committee |
form into an Council nominated and |
chose the Revd Elisha Fish .Moderator |
and the Revd Joseph Sumner Scribe.__ |
The Council being opend with Prayer by |
the Moderator proceeded to examine the |
proceedings of the Church and Town rela |
tive to the call given to Mr John Robinson |
to settle with them; and also Mr Robinson’s |
acceptance of their invitation; finding |
their proceedings to be regular:____ The |
Council proceeded to the examination of |
the Candidate; when he expressd his belief |
of the Assembly’s Catichism; and gave |
satisfactory answers to a large number |
of interrogations, which discovered his belief |
of the Doctrine of the Gospel, and his |
knowledge in Divinity; likewise his |
experience of the powr of divine truth |
upon his own heart, and his views in und |
ertaking the work of the Ministry ___ |
The Council then Voted that the way was |
clear to proceed to the ordination of Mr |
John Robinson to the Pastoral Office |
in Westborough. ____ |
____ ____ |
Voted to adjourn to the meeting House |
where they solemnly seperated Mr John |
Robinson to the Pastoral Office |
in Westborough |
Elisha Fish Moderator |
A true extract from the record of the doings |
of the Council __ _ Attest Joseph Sumner Scribe |