____Chh- Records.____


    Accordingly they brought in

    4 Choristers

    their Votes for one out of the Chh


    and Brr Eli Whitney was chose.

    Then Votes were brot in for one out

    of the Congregation, & it appear’d

    that Phineas Maynard was chose.

    Votes were again brought in for ano-

    ther out of ye Chh, & Brr SethMorse

    was chose. Once more, a Second

    out of ye Congregation was chose,

    viz. Ebenr Chamberlain junr ____

    The assembly was dismissd wth ye Blessing.

    July 28.  The Lords Supper was admind


    Aug. 11. Three Children of James Bellows,

    viz. John, Sarah & Tammazen, were

    baptizd.  Theirmother (heretofore Tam-

    mazen Hastings, having publickly ownd

    the Covt and receivd the Ordce of Bap-

    tism in ye first Chh of Cht in Cambridge.

    as appears by a Certificat Signd by

    Dr. Appleton, July 17. 1771.  And seeing

    they live in the Bounds of Hopkinton, the

    Rev. Mr Barrett sent a Line of his Concurrce


    __ 18. Noah, of Elijah and Prudce Rice, bapt.

    25. Submit, of Francis jr &Pris.Whipple, bapt.

    Sept. 1. Samuel, of Saml & Abigl Forbush, bapt.

    by ye Rev. Mr Whitney of Northb.

    8. Jonah, of Thos & Ann Whitney, bapt.

    The Lords Supper having been adminis-


    tred ye Same Day.

    22. Mary, of Artemas & Mary Bruce,

    & Seth, of Edmund & Hannah Rice, bapt.
