196. After Voting 10, and hearing said Report |
then |
2ly. Voted whether it be the Minds of the Chh |
Agreeable to Br Daniel Adams Request |
to dismiss him, from this perticular Rela- |
-tion to this Chh. and Recommend Him |
to the Chh of Christ in Hopkinton _____ |
passed in the Negative. |
___ |
3ly. Voted there be a Committee to draw |
up for Br Daniel Adams in writing |
the Reasons of the Chhs not granting |
his Request of Recommendation dismission |
and Recommendation & present the same to |
the Chh for their Consideration ___ ___ |
4ly that the number be Three |
Br Elijah Brigham |
Br Abijah Gale |
Br Joseph Harrington |
_____ |
5. Voted the latter part of a Report of a Former |
Committee Relative to Persis. Wife of Danll |
Adams be not considered at this Meeting |
but deferred _______ |
6. . Voted this Meeting be adjourned |
to Thursday next 20th of March P. M |