__Chh- Records.__


    & A Letter was communicated to ye

    Mr Benj.

    Chh from the pp of Monadnock No4.


    requesting or Assistce in Erecting a


    Chh there, & ordaining Mr Benj.

    Brigham their Pastor.

    Voted Compliance.

    Voted to Send two Delegates.

    Voted yt Brr Levi Brigham be one

    Voted yt Brr Benj. Fay be the other.

    Concluded with the Blessing.

    Apr. 28. Katharine Allen,

    formerly Joslin, dismissd & to be re-

    commended to ye First Chh in Shrewsbury.

    May 5. The Lords Supper was administred.


    12. Lydia of Edmd & Ruth Cham-

    berlain, was baptizd.

    At the Request of a No of Persons,

    viz. the Deacons & Several others,

    members of ye Chh, the Congrega-

    tion were informd of ye Vote of

    the Chh on Feb. 24 last, to Sing

    Tate and Brady’s Version of ye Psalms

    with the Addn of Watts’s Hymns

    (as many as may be convenient)

    and their ^ Concurrence yrwth be-

    (ye Congre-

    ing desird, was manifested by a


    Silential vote. But Liberty was

    also given, if there was any one

    yt had material & weighty Objn

    to make, wo did not care to Speak

    publickly, to bring it to ye Pastor

    in the Week time before ye next Sab-

    bath, or the Sabbath after.
