__Records.__ |
51. |
to the Chh, and ye Commtee who had been Sent to |
him were desird to give their Return. wc was yt |
he remaind unalter’d _ except that he desird to |
See and Speak with the Pastor of this Chh; who |
immedly manifested a readiness to gratifie |
him therein. upon wc ye Chh were dismissd. ___ |
16. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
30. John, of James & Sarah Ball & |
bapt. |
Mary, of Ebenr Chamberlain |
Aug. 27. Capt Danl Warrin & Mary his Wife were |
admitted into ye Chh & ye Same Day |
The Sacramt of ye Lords Supper was administred __ |
Sacrt |
Sept. 28. The Pastor being calld to minister to ye Infant |
Child of Nathaniel & Kezia Oake, he ^ found the |
^ went & |
Child so ill and weak yt it was apparently in grt Danger |
of Death; The distressd Parents were hereupon very desi: |
:rous that the Ordce of Baptism might be administred |
to it: And they took ye Pains to notifie ye Familys of yt |
Neibourhood as many as they could, who came together |
to ye Number of Twenty or More. The Case being so extra |
:ordinary and the Chh Members wo were together heartily |
agreeing and Consenting thereto, after an Introductory |
Speech on this occasion, and a particlr address to & De: |
mand from ye Parents, we proceeded to Prayer & to ye admi |
:nistration ___ it was baptizd by ye Name of Ebenezer: |
afterwc a part of a Ps: was Sung & we concluded wth |
the Blessing. ________ |
Oct. 12. The Chh was stopd after LectƐ |
Deacon Forbush requested yt ye Chh wd direct wt yy wd have |
done wth the Fragmts after ye Lords Supper; & Considr what |
wd be best to be done respecting the Smallest sort of vessells |
wc we usd at ye Communion, whether it wd not be best to |
Change ‘em for Larger; and whether somethg ought |
not to be done concerning a Baptism Bason ___ |
Dcn Newton joind wth Brr F. & offerd also ye Affair of |
Mr |