__Records.__ |
17. |
May 4. Jonathan Livermore & |
Abigail his wife (being dismissd from |
the Chh in the West Precinct in Waterton) |
were admitted into our Communion |
_____ 11. Hannah, Daûter of Jonathan and |
Hannah Forbush, |
Ephraim, Son of Peres & Lydia |
Rice, & Francis, Son of Hezekiah and |
Abigail Ward, were baptized. ______ |
The Same Day the Sacramt of ye Lords |
Sacramt |
Supper was administred among us. __ |
18. Agnes Thornton was |
dismissed from our Communion |
(upon her requesting ye Same) |
at the Removal of her abode |
out of Westborough into Wor |
:cester |
The Same Day the Request of |
John McColaster to have his |
Twin Infants Baptizd in his own |
House was offered ye Chh & Congre |
:gation The Grounds of Private |
Baptism in Cases of Extremity Shewn |
(thò briefly) from John 4.21, 23. 1 Cor:1, 2. |
& Acts, 16, 13. An hint of ye Practice |
of the Chh of Cht abroad & in our own |
Land hereupon; And the Reasons yt |
evidence this Present Case to be Such |
as may (upon those Grounds warrant |
Private Baptism; namely the Smallness |
feebleness & Sickliness of ye Children & |
questionableness whether they will live, |
and |