

    other suitable & Prudent Endeavrs to pre

    :pare & dress or Souls wth a Wedding Garmt to meet our Glorious Lord yrat; and inasmuch

    as yre has been in ye Congregn Disquietmt and

    (wth ym) among some of ye Members of ye Chh, un=

    :easiness touching ye attempts to regulate our

    Singing, it was urgd as beg our indispensa

    :ble Duty ^ to take ye steps of Chh Dealings wth

    ^ for persons

    those yt had given or taken Offence, if any such

    under Dis

    yre were; But if yre be no Bottom on wch to bet


    ground any such regular Dealings, yre ought

    wth one

    to be a fraternal agreemt & mutual forgivg


    each his Br’s Infirmities__ Earnest Exhor

    :tations followd to a Suitable Regard to the

    Sacred Bonds of or Covt __ ye Regular steps of ye

    Platform ___ ye Composing or Spirits, uniting in

    holy Love __ Carefullness to walk according

    to our Solemn Profession & present Occasion

    of Reflection upon Chh Members __ & Finally, to

    remember the Sacred Trust & Treasure committed to

    us by Cht in our Chh Privileges, to prize & improve

    & in no wise to betray ym ____

    Liberty being given to any Brr of ye Chh, undr

    any Dissatisfaction, to offer his Sentimts (observ

    ing order) Br Thos Forbush Spake of ye Disqui

    :etmts by ye [-----------] Singing; & as ^ yy were Chief

    ^ intimated

    :ly Occasiond now by ye Pastors not falling in wth

    yt he thôt

    ye Town in what they had done at yeir Town Meet:

    :ing upon that Article __ To which ye Pastor re

    plyd that Inasmuch as ye Town had proceeding

    in no wise according to ^ his Counsel to ym touch

    ^ Chh Rule

    :ing yeir Determining which Way (as its termd)

    or Civil

    to Sing; & had not however, orderly informd

    Law, & con

    him of their Votes or Managemt yer upon,

    :trary to

    but yet being he ^ had not oppos’d ym nor

    (^ undr In

    disturb’d ym in Singing according to their own


    Choice Persons

    & indispo

    :sitions of
