Records. |
49. |
his House. |
Voted, yt Brr Seth Rice be the other Deacon. |
Then ye Chh were dismissd wth Prayr & Blessing. |
Apr. 30. Willm Caruth ownd ye Covt and |
___ Ebenezer, of Simeon & Rebec. Howard |
Joseph, of William & Margt Caruth |
bapt. |
May.21. Thomas, of Jonathan & Abigail Livermore |
Anna, of Jonah & Elizabeth Warrin |
bapt. |
[Several erased words] |
Sacrt |
25. After Lecture the Chh was Stayd |
The elected |
to recieve the Ansrs of ye Two Brethren |
Deacons. |
who had been elected Deacons ___ and their |
Ansr in the |
Ansr being in the Negative ___ after Some Con |
Negative |
:siderable Debate upon whether the Chh Shd |
accept & be Satisfyed wth yeir Ansrs or whe |
:ther we Shd proceed to new Elections, the meet |
:ing was adjournd to This Day fortnight, 2: |
Clock p.m. |
28. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
June 4. Lavinia, of Edward & Persis Baker, bapt. |
8. This Day the Chh, according to appointmt |
Chh Meet |
came together upon the Articles of choosing Dea= |
:ing to |
:cons, and ye Conduct of Mr Saml Fay in keeping |
choose |
from or Communion himself, and with holding his |
more Dea: |
Wife therefrom also, altho he had permitted her |
:cons. |
to bind herself thereto by Solemn Covt |
Upon the first affair Votes were calld for |
and Brother Jonathan Forbush was chosen. |
Again votes were calld for, for another Deacon, |
and Brr Josiah Newton was chosen. |
The former of these was not at Meeting ___ |
The |