____Chh = Records.

    up in ye Knowledge & Fear of God ____

    both that Child which wd be more im-

    mediately under their own Eye, &

    likewise that which wd be put out to

    Some others.  The Children were, there-

    upon baptizd.  At ye Same Time,

    Lydia, of Barachias & Zeruiah Morse, was bapt.

    July 20. Danl of Jonas & Persis Brigham,


       & Asa, of Ebenr & Lucy Forbush, baptizd.

    The Chh was stopd after ye Public Exercises,

    (after some Time of consideration) and debated a while upon ye

    See June 22)

    Affair of appointing a Commtee to assist in inspectg

    ye Morals of ye Communicts __  It was agreed to

    send a Commtee to Mr Saml Fay junr to enquire in-

    to ye Reasons of his Conduct in absenting himself

    from ye Seals of ye Covt & freqtly from even ye

    word also.  The Chh voted yt yre be a Comtee

    That ye No be Three.  That

    for ys purpose

    Brr Nathl Whitney be one:

    Brr  Danl Forbush, be another.

    & Brr Ebr Chamberlin be ye 3d ______

    ==== The Affair of John Maynards Child was

    further deferrd, very different minds arising

    about it.  The Chh was dismissd wth a Blessing.

    23. The Chh was Stayd to hear ye Report

    ^ aforesd

    of ye Commtee ^ ___  The Report was read ___ various

    Debates ensued.  It was movd, on one Hand, to

    have it put to Vote, whether ye Chh wd accept of

    Mr Fay hereupon? It was urgd, on ye other Hand,

    that they, at least he yt spake, was not ready to vote

    upon it __ Hereupon it was proposd to vote first

    whether ye Chh wd now act upon ye affair __ ? But it was

    requested yt ye Vote might rather be, whether ye Chh

    wd not Suspend acting upon it at ye present? It passd

    that yy would.  accly ye Chh was dismissd, wth ye Blessing.
