188 |
_Chh – Records.__ |
Feb. 18. The Chh was again |
detaind on Acct of Brr D. Adams’ |
Letter of Jan. 13. By Request it |
^ NB. Brr |
was read a second time. |
^ |
Adams |
After debating upon it, a Motion |
Psent |
was made to see whether ye Chh wd |
do any thing upon it; but nothing |
was offerd. Then whether they |
were of ye mind to drop it? __ No Vote. |
So yt It was wav’d ___. Concl. wth Blessg |
__ 25. Mehitable, of John & Mehit. Fay, bapt. |
March 18. The Chh was stopd at noon __ |
Another Letter still, from Mr Dan. Adams |
was read __ among other Things, praying |
that the Communion may not be admind |
^ But |
till his Affair is looked into. ^ The Chh being |
in no Such situation as to do anything |
about it; for Mrs Adams’s Cause not be- |
ing laid before us, we have nothing to Act |
upon; the Chh voted, as to ye Communion, |
that it was their Desire ye Lds Supper |
might be appointed: & as to ye Rest of |
^ their minds |
the Letter,^ that there was nothing to be |
done further; the Pastor having ansd it, |
in his Reply; which was read to Mr A. |
in ye presence of ye Chh, & ye Brn acquiesed |
^ Then were |
in it.# ^ Dismissd wth ye Blessing. ___ |
they |
==== |
Sacrt |
March 25. The Lords Supper was admind |
Apr. 15. Susanna-Brigham, of Breck & |
Susanna Parkman, was baptizd. |
May 3. The Genl Fast. |
Sacrt |
____ 6. The Lords Suppr admind |
__ Daniel, of James junr & Mercy Miller |
bapt. |
13. Silas, of John & Mary Harrington. |
# Mr Adams’s Complaint was yt his Wife delayd to prosecute, |
or bring her Cause to any Issue. Whereupon ye Pastor |
June |
proposed his writing to her: and This was accepted. 4 |