1788 |
Chh. Records |
263 |
Sept 28. |
being the Sabbath the Chh tarry after pub |
-lic Service & Appoint a Chh Meeting at ye |
Meeting House. on Monday 29 int as at |
one oClock P.M. for the purpose of |
giving a Candidate a Call to the Work |
of the Gospel Ministry ______ |
Then Voted that the Revd Mr Sumner |
be Applied too. to Moderate the Meeting |
Monday 29. Met According to Appointment |
Meeting Opened by Prayer by Revd Mr |
Sumner – Then the Chh Voted to pro- |
__ ceed to a Choice of a Pastor. & made |
Choice by written Votes of Mr John Robbinson |
by a Unanemous Vote 35 Members |
present. & was declared a Vote _____ |
2 |
Voted to make Choice of a Committee- |
Consisting of three to Wait on the SelectMen |
and request that they call a ^Town Meeting as |
soon as may be to see if the Chh ^Town will |
Concur with the Chh in giving Mr John |
Robbinson a Call to Settle in the Work |
of the Gospel Ministry in this place ____ |
& that. Br Elijah Brigham |
Abijah Gale |
James Hawes be a Committee. |
Then the meeting was dissolved. |
E Brigham Clk |