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    184. James Cresey Son of Abel          Jan. 1.

    185 Joseph Hobson Son of Jeremiah

                                             Jan. 15.

    186. Bridget Pemberton Datr. of John 

    187. Pierce Bayley Son of David        Feb. 12.

    188. Mary Jewet Dtr. of Mark.           Feb. 19.

    189. Asa Todd Son of Jonathan          March. 12.

    190. Eunice Hodgskin dtr. of John.       June. 4.

    191. Anne Lanyer Dtr of Ezekiel          July

    192 Mary Cresey

                      Twin Datrs. of John

    193 Sarah Cresey                       Sep. 3.

    194. Sarah Hibbert datr. of James

    195. Jonathan Jewet Son of Eliphalet.   Sep. 24.

    196. Sarah Johnson dtr. of Jonathan     Oct. 8.

    197. Abel Plats Son of Abel            Oct. 15.

    198. Sarah Dicksinson datr. of Thomas

                                             Octo. 29.

    199 Elisabeth Johnson  datr. of Daniel

    200. Judith Cresey datr. of David       Nov. 5.

    201. Ezekiel Sanders Son of Edward

                                             Nov. 19.

    201. Sarah Northend datr. of Ezekiel. 

    203. Mehetabel Lambert dtr. of Thomas junr. Dec 10.

         7 males 13. Females