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    June 5. 1768. The Chh. being stayed voted

    That Messrs Nathaniel Mighill, and David Pick-

    ard go with the Pastor to meet with the ordina-

    tion council proposed to be at Boscawen the

         15th instant –– ––[33]


    Oct 16. 1768. The Church chose Capt Pearson and

    Deacon Bayley to go with the Pastor to the

    intended ordination of Mr Christopher Bridge

    Marsh on the 19th of this instant ––––


         Dec. 21. 1768. The Chh. met and heard Deacon

    Bayleys complaint against Eben Hidden viz. yt he

    was unsatisfied with his conduct in his endeavors to render

    him odious in charging him with telling a positive lye; and

    wn he was asked why he sung a few sabbaths ago, his answer

    was yt he know did it to let ye congregation know yt he knew

    and yt fool did not, or words to yt effect, and in saying at

    the same time when sd Bayley set that tune, that he was serv-

    ing the Devil. After considering sd complaint hearing the evi=

    dences and sd Hiddens defense the Chh Voted

         1. That Deacon Bayley hath just ground & reason to

    be dissatisfied and offended with his Brother Eben Hidden

    on account of the things he complained of as above.

         2. That the Chh. also on the same account hath reason to

    be dissatisfied and offended with sd Hidden. and

         3. That the Chh. is not willing yt he should have communi

    on with them in special ordinances, till he has made them

    satisfaction.  Jan. 9. 1770. The Chh. accepted Eben Hiddens

    confession forgave & restored him & then dismissed him to the Chh.

                   in Boscowen  New Hampshire.


    [33] Nathaniel Merrill was ordained pastor of the Boscawen, N.H., church in 1768.