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    Again, The Generality of ye Town appeard very dull abt. act-


    ing any thing on my Proposition referring to another Minister


    so ye meeting issued in words, sed preteria Nihil.[23] some of the

    Brethren being still unsatisfied, motiond for another meeting,

    wr upon some of the Select men came to me & Informed that

                                                      if I continued alone

    some desired another Town-meeting to settle me on Sallery & they


    would know of me whether I did desire it. my Answr was, that the

    propr time for settling my sallary while I was alone, being laps-

    =ed, I did not desire yt ye Town should be conveend meerly on yt

    account; But if they had anything further to transact in refer-

    ence to calling another Minister, & saving their Living, I

    would hindr nothing of that, they might warn a meeting as soon

    as they pleased. The Selectmen seemed satisfied, and not

    =Inclinable to warn any meeting on that acct. But the

    abovesd unsatisfyed Brethren continuing to urge their

    former motion abt another Town-meeting; one was at last

    appointed to Be on, or abt ye twenty third day of ffebry.

    at this meeting my abovesd propositions were brought afoot

                                                    while I was alone

    & many appeared as willing to comply with ye first, but as to

                          calling                    ^

    ye latter yt referred to another Minister, yy most were dull &


    would not stirr to decide a vote ~. I had told some of the

    chief of ye Town before this meeting, yt seeing they had

    not taken up with my propositions, it was now their

                                                   The Towns

    turn to make proposalls to me; accordingly ye Deacon on


    behalf abated five pounds from my 2d proposition refer

                              which took off 30 pounds from my Salary   then

    =ing to calling another Minister  & so ye proposition was agen put


    to vote, but with as little success as at first, & so ye meeting

    Ended without doing anything at all as to ye holding ye abovesd

    Donation. [--------------------------------------------------]




    [-----][24] So the matter lay till the College officer took possession

    of the several parcels of the Land & meadows which they

    have Improvd since ~ at ye above sd chh-meeting touching[25]

    a Minister; I proposed to make choice of Mr Jno Emmerson

    because I concluded he would surely come; which, had they done

    they had certainly secured their Donation, if the Town had

    concurd, & Sallaries had been agreed on; But there was no

    likelyhood that Mr Brown would come, & so it proved. ~

         I did count it necessary to know before hand, what the

     Town would do for me in case they saved their Donation

    by calling another Minister and that for sundry Reasons



    [23] “And nothing else.”

    [24] The equivalent of nearly four lines are struck through to the point that they are indecipherable.

    [25] Conjectural reading where MS is damaged along the edge.