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In not coming before you in publick when sent for at your 2d sessions, & yet the
church did give you a meeting (before your dissolving) in the meeting house to our
farther greif and dissatisfaction, In that you read what you had determined in a
way of blameing & reflecting upon officer & brethren, before the countrey, we have
ing noe oppertunity to make answer for our selves, neither could our reasons of dis
sent from the councills advise be published, which we humbly conceive had bin æ
-qual as well as to publish your results. _____
2 we were sencible of our unreadiness to answer suddenly what might be spoaken to
us by word of mouth (as it might fall out half an hour together) without time to
call to mind what was spoaken & what answer to make, and why the church must
take Mr Mr[103] Nelsons acknowledgmt in writing, & not have liberty to express yr
minds in writing we know not
3 In the first meeting of the council we mett with open wrong, whilst the council
was (as we conceive) too ready to read Mr Nelsons papers of fals apsersions a
=gainst the church without giving us any oppertunity (though it was desired) to
answer for our selves, & to convince him of his Sin therin, & we knew not
but as he was allowed to doe before, soe he might obtain the publishing of some
more such papers of fals accusations, & we noe more liberty to clear our selves yn
we had before, & this is strang to us that one man could have liberty to publish
soe much in his own vindication, & alsoe to reproach the church, & yet the church
could not have the like liberty publickly to wipe of those objections by a just ans
=wer to them
And wheras you declare that you will give an account to the churches what op
position you mett with, we desire you would also declare our grounds of proced
-ing with the offendour, & our reasons why we could not sit down by your advise
nor with the written confession you appointed Mr Nelson to write
And for what is threatened in case we submitt not to your advise : we look for
sufferings not onely from enimise of Gods pp, but from Brethren themselves, &
chuse rather to suffer what God shall permitt that way, then to act any thing wch
is not of fayth for that were sin
And for our see[m]ing to be irreconcilably set against Mr Nelson, it is strang you
should soe judg of Gods church heer as if they were of an Implacable spirit and
would upon noe tearmes forgive them that offend them : It has bin found other-
=wise hitherto, & we hope will be soe for the future : Ther is not a man in this
church (I dare say) but would gladly forgive & embrace Mr Nelson, If God open
his heart to judg himself for those evills, wherin he has plainly broaken the
Rule, but yet iustifyes himself in : As for withdrawing comunion from us
seperating from the comunion of a church must be grounded (as Divines gene
=erally hold forth) upon waightier causes then differences in matters disputable sup
=pose ther are irregularityes in our proceedings, not soe great as were found
in the church of Corinth & Læodicea (To say nothing of ye Jewish church wch Xst
seperated not from nor taught others soe to doe) & yet we find noe church seperating
from them.
Why was not this threatend against the first church in Boston who sat not
downe by the advise of 13 churches mett in council;[104] If it be a duty which the
late council owes to us to tell us of withdrawing comunion from us, It was
an omission of a duty then, but we are smal (if not contemptible), yet I hope
such as would not willingly forget Gods præcepts : How much such a declara
=tion of non communion hinders the fruit of the word, & the increase of Gods
Kingdome amongst us, I leave it to your self to judg, is this to help to build gods
house or to follow the things that make for peac & wherwith we may edify one a
=nother, who will seek to joyne with us, when a council declares that our neigh=
=bour churches are like to withdraw communion from us? but we hope we
shall never se that acted in the churches (without waightier grounds) which
[103] MS sic.
[104] Referring to the division in the Boston First Church over the Half-Way Covenant; see Cooper, Tenacious of Their Liberties, 98-107.