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when we had sent in these grounds of our dissent from their result they sent
to the church to desire us to meet them at the meeting house, the first sessions I
prevailed with the church to attend them though several brethren were unwilling
but this second session they were all unwilling to goe, & why not will appear
afterward, yet we did goe at their breaking up to hear what their last result
was which was publickly read in the meeting house as followes.
Wheras we the Elders & messengers of the Several Churches of Christ
who chose and sent us on the account of Mr Philip Nelson of Rowley yt we
might inquire into some particular actings wherin the sayd Nelson judged
himself wronged by the church of Rowley with reference to ye Censure of Excom
=munication passed on him by the sayd churches; Having met together according
to the day appointed viz 10 decemb 1678 we therfore declare as followeth
That we have heard the case on both sides, & haveing seriously considered
the whole case, we found Mr Nelson justly culpable in some particulars charg
ed against him, ffor which we did advise him to such an humble confession as
we thought might have bin received (as by us soe by them) for Satisfaction
which acknowledgmt he accordingly made before the church and council
ffurhtermore out of tenderness to the credit and peac of the church we
moved that particular Strickness in takeing notice of Several irregularityes
of the church in their proceedings with Mr Nelson, which we judg we might
justly have layd upon them: hopeing alsoe that after a long series of dis-
=cord, & due consideration therupon, they would gladly have accepted our
advise, which we unanimously & publickly offered to them to consider upon.
Now after some months waiting, understanding they had neither voted nor
accepted the sayd advise of the Council, one of the moderators with advise
of some of the principal members of the council wrot to the Teacher and
Brethren of the church to give them a meeting ffeb 25 1678. And the messen
=gers repairing to Rowley, & sending to the Teacher & Brethren to meet them
they received from the Church a paper of complaints against the councill
which having read, They sent to the sayd teacher to desire him & ye church
to meet them at their meeting house, whether the council repaired, & have
ing waighted some time, a paper was sent from the Teacher in the name of
the church (Though noe church meeting was regularly warned at that time, &
about 15 of the dissenting Brethren unacquainted with the meeting which was,
were seperated or absent from them, when they sent those lines to the council)
that they thought it not convenient to meet us wherupon a member of the
council was desired to goe to them (being assembled in another place) to rei
=iterate our desire, but he returned without them, they holding their formar
resolution, & determining amongst themselves (upon some frivilous causes as we
judg) to discourse the matter with the council at a distance by writing a cus=
-tome doubtless unwonted & intollerable in such agitations & comissions, wher up
=on the council inquired, who of the church were then present amongst them
viz the council: And therby understanding ther were about 15 or 17 and the
whole church were about 38, and understood by them, that they had noe no
tice of any meeting at the other place, nor indeed of the meeting house save
onely by the reading of one of the moderators letter, which they therfore did
attend) The Teacher not desiring or moving for any meeting in answer ther
=unto: By all which it is too apparent that the Teacher and some of the