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    And are we not to follow Christs example, now to attribute to the breaker or take to or

    selves what belongs to God as to forgive sins, to speak a comanding word to dead or deaf to

    live to hear, without any Imediate or extraordinary call soe to doe, is in one apprehen

    sion Blasphemous, That king of Israel rent his cloathes when Naaman came to

    him for healing, am I a God to kill & make alive 2 Kings 5 7. though Elisha had yet

    he had noe call for such workes

    moreover Mr Nelson went about this business with a bad spirit & abusing the script

    tures as a pretended ground of what great things he should doe: That 86 Psalm wch he

    grew soe confident from that word (not to speak of a Revelation he had 12 or 14 years

    before that he should doe it) that he had a strong fayth of doing a wonder upon yt youth

    & soe obtaine therby shame for his Enimise: But it was told him that ther was noe

    promise of any miraculous toaken now nor any such toakens to be Expected by Gods

    people under ye gospell: He that looks for or pretends to miracles now is a mira

    cle himself, he might alsoe have taken upon him to forgive sin as Xst did for which

    is easier 9 Math 5 6.

    And though (after 4 or 5 times boasting of what he had done at which times he never

    sayd he did it in ye name of Xst) at last he sayd he used those words in ye name of

    the lord Jesus; yet we judged he had noe more call then the sons of Sceva who com

    manded ye devil to come out of a possessed man in ye name of Jesus whom Paul preach

    =ed Acts 19 13.

    5) His bold & presumptious sin in going to ye sacramt at Ipswich contrary to the com

    mand of God 6 Math If thou rememberest thy Brother hath ought agt. thee &c. he

    knew what Raylings he had bin guilty off, & had bin spoken to about & gave not the

    least satisfaction, he knew what was proved at Court, & highly blamed by the Bench as


    to his bold blasphemous, & his unbrotherly carriage Christianess in carrying his brother


    to the court Thô he had publickly & privately acknowledged what might have any appe

    arance of irregularity for which cause he hath bin put in mind of that 18 Math 20 &c

    He knew alsoe what offence was upon the hearts of Brethren in respect of his gross

    takeing Gods name in prayer, for which though they dealt with him he gave noe satis

    =faction but sayd he would justify it, yet in this filthy pickle he went to the sacramt

    soe that it seemes a wilfull sinning notwithstanding the knowledge of the truth, & how

    dreadfully doth God speak of such sins 10 Heb 26.

    His going to the sacrament at Ipswich as it was very offensive to the Church of Christ

    at Rowley (as he could not but know) soe it was offensive to some of ye church of Xst

    at Ipswich (as ye Reverend Elder Mr Pain[85] told me) though the things being sudden &

    unexpected they did not object: He that had sayd to one of the brothers we shall

    have noe sacramt at Rowley till I have had a council; he could take a liberty yt

    neither god did, nor the church he belonged to could allow him: & when he was told

    of this as one of his offences, he boldly told the Church, he would doe it again, like

    them in 44 Jer as for the word of the lord that thou hast spoaken in ye name of the

    lord we will not hearken to it

    He that doth ought presumptiously as in gathering sticks on ye Sab. day 15 numb 30 31

    tis as if a man should say (who sins presumptiously) what care I though God commands

    this or that, I will not be limitted or restrayned; such sin is called rebelling against ye

    lord deut 1 43. You rebelled against the lord & went presumptiously up into the hills, but

    God was not with them whilst they soe did 17 deut 12 13 the man that will doe pre

    sumptiously & will not harken &c. 7 deut 20 he that eates of the sacrifice of peace

    offering &c. we wish ther were not some steps in this act of his towards the great sin

    it being against soe much light & with a Spirit of bitterness & opposition (as we fear)

    for he knew how greivous & offensive it would be to his brethren, yea and in other

    carriages & Rayling speeches of his (the presumtion of the tongue) we fear he hath

    gone towards that great sin, the Good Lord in mercy (for Xsts sake) bring him back a-

    =gain if it be his good will.

    His Expressions alsoe in his paper he sent in to ye church, to desire them to joyne with

    him in calling a council, doe manifest strong Impenitency: In a word thos sins wch

    make the times perilous in these last days, we have found evidently appearing in him

    2 Tim 3: 1. 2. 3. Things haveing bin thus as to Mr Nelsons carriages, we judg yt

    that comand Paul gave in ye name of Christ (as well as other like Scriptures) 2 Thess 3. 6

    were to be attended by us & accordingly we have conscientiously acted.

                                  Samuel Phillips Ecclesiá consentiente[86]


    [85] A Robert Paine briefly ministered at Wells, Maine, during this time, but Phillips is more likely referring to Paine’s father, lay elder Robert Paine of Ipswich, the term “reverend” being a sign of deference for an old person (though he is not listed among the elders of that church in Harold Field Worthley, “An Inventory of the Records of the Particular Churches of Massachusetts Gatherd 1620-1805,” p. 304).

    [86] “With the consent of the church.”