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    52)     118              1673.


    When dinah was gadding from home she was defiled keeping at

    home & chastity was joyned 2 Titus 5 & ye contrary wth uncleaness 7 Prov

    11 12. 13. now abroad now on ye street & lying in waight at Every Corner

    pride & Idleness you se what it brought Sodome to in respect of uncleaness.


    Take heed of thinking yt repentance for these things is sooner attayned & doe not

    catch hold of comfort till god prepares for it, and gets wch to heer ye voice of ioy

    & gladness before he has broaken bones, ly low ye what want of sound humi

    liation is one main bottom of all unsoundness; & yt was your wound when

    you first made profession & you minded it not after take heed it be not soe still

                              A letter from the Church of Christ at York

      to the Church of Xst at Rowley

                        To the Reverend & beloved brethren of the Church of Xst at

                               Rowley  these present

     Reverend & beloved Grace mercy & peace be multiplied &c.

    These are to acquaint you that God by his gratious Providence having soe farr

    revived the work of his house amongst us, which for soe many late years past

    seemed to ly languishing & sinking into a declyining Lethargie (to or great hum

    -bling be it spoaken) as that now our hearts are inclined & raysed up & soe

    farr as lyeth in us by Gods assistance are resolved to settle all the ordinances of

    Xst according to ye order & comand of the gospell amongst us: and to yt end to

    ordaine our Reverend brother Mr Shubael Dumer an officer as our mediat

    head under the lord Jesus Xst over us upon the 4th day of the week being

    the 3d day of December next: These are therfor to crave your help by the assis-

    -tance of your prayers & your presence upon that day with us by yor Elders & messen

    gers for the furtherance & accomplishment of soe good a work, from whom

    we hope according to Regular approbation we may expect & receive the

    right hand of fellowship.

      November 10th 1673.

                                          Yors to be comanded in the be

                                           half of ye church according to the

                                          [----] rules of ye lord Jesus

                                               Edward Rishworth

                                                Richard Bankes.


    The Church of Xst at Rowley sent As their messengers S. P. & Captain Brottl=

    The Church of Dover Mr Reynor Mr Clemens[14] the Church of Portsmouth Mr Moody

    Mr Richard Cutts.[15]

    After Mr Dumer his precious & sutable sermon from 20 Ps 14 Mr Moody prayed

    & read to ye Church a Solemn Covenant wch they had before consented to before

    the Messengers of ye Churches, desiring them that they would publickly express

    their consent therto wch they did by lifting up their hands

    Then S P being desired by the vote of the church to ordain Mr Dumer & give

    to him the right hand of fellowship with the assistance of Mr Moody & Mr Reynor

    & Mr Rishworth it was accordingly though weakly performed, & In this method

    ffirst the Churches mind was tryed by a silential vote whether they did continue

                                                   to Elect

    of the Same mind as they had formerly expressed, that ye Reverend brother Mr Shu

    bael Dumer to ye office of a Pastor:-

    Their Silence testifying their consent it was nextly propounded to the whole assem

    bly that if yr were any either the messengers of ye churches or any other person that



    [14] John Rayner Jr., pastor of Dover, N.H., son of John Rayner Sr. whom he succeeded, and served from 1668-76; “Mr. Clemens” was the lay representative of that church.

    [15] Joshua Moody, pastor of Portsmouth, N.H. 1658-84, then pastor of the the First Church, Boston, until 1693, when he returned to Portsmouth, dying there in 1697; Richard Cutts was the lay representative of that church.