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                         1665                                65


    To[55] the Reverend & beloved the Teacher & brethren

    of the Church of Christ-at-Rowley Grace & peace from GOD

    our father, & ye lord Jesus Christ or Saviour


    Forasmuch as the providence of the onely wise God hath soe disposed that

    pur Dearly beloved & very much esteemed brother Mr Samuel Shepard son

    to our sometimes faythfull pastor of precious memory hath now his recidence

    & is imployed in ye good work of the lord amongst you, & hath seen cause

    with your selves to desire of us Letters dismissive to your church in order

    to his joyning as a member with you . These may testify or consent to

    this desire herein, soe that if you shall accordingly proceed to receive him.

    We doe resigne & dismiss him to your holy fellowship, wthall certifying that

    as he was received into full comunion with us, wth much approbation

    soe during his after abode among us his conversation was such as did

    become the Gospell, be doubt not but that throw the the grace of Christ


    it hath been & will be noe otherwise amongst you; thus desiring of the

    father of mercyes, Even of that God who after the death of Abraham blessed

    his son Isaack, that he may become a rich & speciall blessing to you &

    you alsoe againe to unto him through Christ Jesus: we commit him & you

    all with ourselves to him who is our lord and yours  In whom we are


      Cambridge                 Your Loving Brethren

      Septemb: 15               Jonathan Mitchell

         1665.                  Richard Champney

                                  Edmund Foxcroft wth consent of ye

                                   brethren of the Church at Cambridge



    In[57] something less than 35. Years there have died

    Here 36. Persons, who were above 80 years old.

    July. 26. 1763.


    613. Stephen Palmer’s Infant Still-born        Sep. 14.

    614. Elisabeth Kimball a young Girl.           Sept. 20.

    615. Jane Bayley datr  of Samll.                Oct. 29.

    616. the Wife of John Palmer             Nov. 2.

    617. Doctor Hales Infant.                     Nov. 5.


    [55] Here Phillips’ handwriting resumes.

    [56] Supplied date.

    [57] Here Jewett’s handwriting resumes.