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    88.     154          1677


    Admitted July 2 1676. The other viz Mr Neh Jewitt was not for some

    time after because he had not procured his dismission from Lyn Church wch

    he had joyned many years since when he lived with his uncle Purchas at

    the Ironworks, having obtayned letter of dismission from ye sayd Church March

    12. 1677. The letter was read before the congregation as followeth.


             To the Revrnd Elder & beloved Brethren of the Church of Christ at

              Rowley in God the father & Jesus Christ the Son of the father

               and in ye holy Ghost your Sanctifier & comforter grace & peace

                be multiplied.

    Forasmuch as it hath pleased almighty God (who boundeth out all our

    Habitations) to Remove from us to you our beloved Brother Mr Neh: Jew

    =it, & he haveing desired Letters of dismission from our church to yours

    we doe therfore wholly dismiss him to your care & trust, intreating you

    to watch over him in ye lord as becometh Saints, to help him in what

    =soever he stands in need of you, to succoer, strengthen & releev him in

    whatsoever affliction or temptation he may be cast into, as God shall be

    pleased of his grace to inable you . Thus with our hearty love &

    prayers for you & him, beseaching the lord to make you mutuall comforts

    one to another we take our leave and rest, comending you to god and

    to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up farther & to give

    you an inheritance with the saints.


                                    Yours truely in him who is

                                          love & truth

                                     Samuel Whiting Senior

                                    with ye consent of the brethren of

                                          the church of Christ in Lyn

                          (March 18 76)

    When this letter was read (considering the Churches former vote


    three quarters of a year before viz June 20 1676) I desired Mr Neh Jew

    =itt to come forth & to declare what God had done for his soule, upon wch

    when I expected noe opposition Br Homes stood up & sayd he had mattre of

    offence against him: I told him I could not orderly give him liberty

    now to mention any thing that way seing he had stood propounded most of

    a year in which time he had suffitient oppertunity to have dealt with

    Mr Neh. Jewitt as he had formerly bin advised his answer was it was in

    vain to speak to him he was soe full of Squels[58] & Scornes & highflown

    speeches upon this Mr Neh: Jewit sayd he hoped the church would take no=

    =tice of such a high charg  

    Then Mr Nelson stood up and sayd I declare against his admission then a

    3d Br Samuel Mighhell desired I would not thrust a member upon ye

    church, I told him he was not the Church, & I was not about any such thing

    as he did by his Speech seem to charg me or Imply.

    Upon ys one brother desiring I would grant liberty to Br Homes to bring his

    complaints before the officer & some brethren with him, after the next

    lecture March 21 1677 I told him & ye whole church I shuld per


    [58] Archaic, related to “squelch”: crushing or forceful sounds.